26 Juin – 29 Juin 2025

All expressions of ceramics in Paris

26 June – 29 June 2025

Come to Place Saint Sulpice to see an exceptional variety of ceramic creations and materials : sculptural or utilitarian, traditional or contemporary, raw or enamelled ceramics, plus sandstone, raku, glazed pottery, and porcelain. For four days, ceramic lovers as well as neophytes, art world professionals, architects, and interior designers can meet more than one hundred ceramists from all over the world in a relaxed atmosphere.

Every year Saint-Sulpice Céramique has a booth highlighting new ceramic creations, and they invite their favourite recently graduated ceramist. You will also find the Café Céramique, where you can choose a mug and discuss how it was made, free workshops for children and adults, a host of tools and utensils to begin working with clay, as well as specialized books and magazines. We do our best to ensure visually handicapped people can visit our event under the best possible conditions. We offer them guided tours and practical workshops to which they have priority. There will be lectures every afternoon on various subjects, from history to philosophy, covering a lot of ground along the way.
Come and meet the clay artists, share their warmth and their world under Parisian skies.

See the video of the 2023 edition

FOCUS 2024


For the Focus on 2024 edition, we are interested in mixed techniques. The Parispotier team offered ceramists the chance to mix clay with other materials or media: textiles, glass, plaster, paint, photography, silkscreen, etc. without restriction.

The artists were thus able to experiment with another material, linking it to clay, or teaming up with another artist/craftsman to work on new and unique creations.

Combining clay with textiles, for example, means mixing the rigid with the supple, bringing together foreign or even opposing materials by matching the differences. It means daring to bring together different skills, traditions and ways of thinking.


Saint-Sulpice Céramique